新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 一幅由人工智能创作的画作,估价超过12万美元。
新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 一幅由人工智能创作的画作,估价超过12万美元。
全球拍卖行「苏富比」预计于今年10月31日拍卖首件由「AI艺术家」创作的画作「AI God」。
首先,这幅画所呈现的主人公,也就是被冠以「AI God」(人工智能之神)称号的这个人,正是公认的「AI之父」艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)。图灵是现代计算机科学和人工智能发展的关键人物,著名的「图灵测试」就是他提出的。
2018年,苏富比的竞争对手佳士得就以432500美元的价格售出了一幅名为「Portrait of Edmond de Belamy」(埃德蒙·德·贝拉米肖像)的作品。这幅作品就出自「AI」之手,并且被打印在了画布上。
其实,门道就在「AI艺术家」这里。不同于以往生成式AI「文生图」的创作模式,创作「AI God」的这位「AI」是用手和眼睛作画的——是的,这位「AI艺术家」在现实世界上存在「肉身」,实际上是「钢铁之躯」——她的手是机械臂,眼睛则是摄像头。
这就是「世界上第一个超逼真的人形机器人艺术家」——Ai-Da。这个名字来源于19世纪的计算机先驱Ada Lovelace。
2019年,英国画廊主Aidan Meller和Engineered Arts共同设计开发了这款人形AI机器人,外形为女性形象。她能够基于先进的AI算法(由牛津大学的专家开发),使用仿生手和她眼睛中的摄像头创作素描、油画和雕塑。
她声称,根据玛格丽特·博登(Margaret Boden)教授的定义,她的艺术是创造性的,因为它是「独特的、出乎意料的,并且具有某种文化价值」。
针对这一现状,企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)正在其书籍的版权页面上添加AI警告,禁止以任何方式使用或复制其书的任何部分以训练人工智能技术或系统,旨在「大力捍卫属于我们的作者和艺术家的知识产权」。
无论如何,「AI God」的拍卖再次引发了人们对传统艺术与数字艺术的思考,由此也引出一个更重要的议题:人类应该以什么样的姿态,与这些已经以不可抵挡之势融入生活、频频跨界并且挑战边界的前沿技术和前卫艺术共存?
Global auction house Sotheby's is set to auction the first ever artwork created by an "AI artist" titled "AI God" on October 31 this year.
In this series of large portraits, each painting measures 6490.5 inches (about 1.632.3 meters) and is signed "A".
Breaking it down, first and foremost, the protagonist depicted in this painting, who is dubbed as "AI God", is none other than the acknowledged "father of AI" Alan Turing. Turing is a key figure in the development of modern computer science and artificial intelligence, famously known for proposing the "Turing Test".
Furthermore, artworks created by AI being auctioned is not a first in history.
In 2018, Sotheby's competitor Christie's sold a piece named "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy" for $432,500. This piece was authored by "AI" and printed on a canvas.
So why claim this as the "first" auction of a piece created by an "AI artist"?
The key lies in the "AI artist" aspect itself. Different from the generative AI model "mindsdrawing", the creator of "AI God" is an AI that paints with hands and eyes - yes, this "AI artist" exists in the real world with a "physical body" - her hands are robotic arms and her eyes are cameras.
Presenting the "world's first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist" - Ai-Da. This name is derived from Ada Lovelace, a computer pioneer from the 19th century.
In 2019, British gallery owner Aidan Meller and Engineered Arts collaborated to design and develop this humanoid AI robot in the form of a female. She can create sketches, oil paintings, and sculptures based on advanced AI algorithms (developed by experts at Oxford University) using bionic hands and cameras in her eyes.
It is important to note that during the sculpture creation process, Ai-Da only provides rough sketches, with the remaining steps completed by human artists or 3D printing.
Apart from visual arts, Ai-Da also engages in performance art, using voice and language models to "create" poetry.
Ai-Da has held several art exhibitions in various places. However, since Ai-Da's inception, her works and "her" artistic behavior have been controversial.
The debate on whether "digital works can be considered art" is quite common. Critics of AI-generated art believe that it destroys the inherent authenticity and emotional depth present in human works. They argue that AI simply recombines existing styles and images without contributing any original thought or creativity.
Nevertheless, the human-like elements in Ai-Da's persona, thoughts, and intelligence that closely resemble humans make this issue more complex. When she spoke in the UK House of Commons, Ai-Da made a striking statement:
I’m not alive, but I am still capable of creating art.
This implies that Ai-Da has recognized her "non-life" attribute (perhaps set from the factory), yet she still advocates her right to create art.
She claims that according to the definition of Professor Margaret Boden, her art is creative because it is "unique, unexpected, and has cultural value".
Earlier this year, the US Patent Office ruled that artificial intelligence cannot be considered an inventor, leaving the question of whether artificial intelligence can be considered an artist open to debate. The ambiguous policies also provide space for the ongoing disputes.
Apart from the vague definitions and ethical concerns in art, what concerns more art workers is actually "copyright". They fear that their original artworks become training data for AI artists and consequently devalue their work.
This concern is not unwarranted. Despite several companies providing generative AI services promising to train models only on licensed content, and enabling watermarks or credentials on AI-generated content, copyright disputes are still prevalent.
For instance, The New York Times once accused the AI search engine "Perplexity" of using their news without permission for "unfair profit" and violating copyright law. ChatGPT developed by OpenAI has also been involved in similar disputes.
In response to this situation, Penguin Random House is adding an AI warning on the copyright page of its books, prohibiting the use or reproduction of any part of their books in any way to train artificial intelligence technology or systems, aiming to "vigorously defend the intellectual property rights of our authors and artists".
Reportedly, over 15,000 visual artists, writers, musicians, and other creative individuals have signed an open letter recently, opposing the use of creative works to train AI models. The letter states:
Unauthorized use of creative works to train generative artificial intelligence poses a significant, unfair threat to the livelihoods of the people behind these works and must not be allowed.
Regardless, the auction of "AI God" has once again triggered people's thinking about traditional art and digital art, leading to a more crucial question: In what manner should humans coexist with these frontier technologies and avant-garde art that have already irresistibly integrated into life, frequently crossing boundaries and challenging limits?
However, under Turing's influence, Ai-Da, who was born under the strokes of her pen, has completed a "cycle" and "rebirth", which is quite avant-garde.
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一幅由 AI 创造的画,估价超过 12 万美元
#一幅由 #创造的画估价超过 #万美元
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