新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 问答:金融服务业中人工智能的未来展望是什么?
新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 问答:金融服务业中人工智能的未来展望是什么?
通货膨胀在加拿大已经放缓,因为央行逐渐降低了其主要利率 - 版权 AFP/File Yasin AKGUL
人工智能正在积极影响消费者的金融生活 - 尤其是那些在墨西哥和拉丁美洲处于未银行化和代表性不足的人群。
Krishna Venkatraman,在 Kueski 的首席数据官,向 Digital Journal 介绍了人工智能在金融科技创新中的作用,推动新兴市场的金融包容性以及金融服务中人工智能的未来。
Digital Journal:首先,您能向我们介绍一下 Kueski 及您的角色吗?
Krishna Venkatraman: Kueski 是拉丁美洲领先的“现在购买,以后付款”(BNPL)和在线消费信贷平台。该公司成立于2012年,以其创新的金融服务在墨西哥享有盛誉,并始终专注于其根源和墨西哥人民。墨西哥仍然是一个现金为主的经济体,超过一半的国家仍没有银行账户,我们比任何非当地的竞争者更了解金融包容性对国家和连接人民参与正规经济的影响。
通过我们的两款产品 - 我们的旗舰产品 Kueski Pay,允许客户在线和线下购买后延迟支付。我们还提供 Kueski 个人贷款,一个消费信贷产品。
人工智能和机器学习一直是我们产品的支柱,作为 Kueski 的首席数据官,我的重点主要是重新构想如何利用人工智能,不仅为内部获益,而且还要提高金融包容性和获得消费者信任。通过应用人工智能,Kueski 通过分析大量的替代数据集,更好地确定消费者的信用价值,以规模提升对金融服务的访问。
Venkatraman: 人工智能在拉丁美洲金融领域的应用显著提高了雇员的生产力和对客户请求的响应时间,数据可访问性和安全性。人工智能工具自动化重复任务,使员工能够专注于更高价值的倡议,如客户参与,从而提高工作效率和客户满意度。
DJ:人工智能在个性化 BNPL 产品以满足客户多样化需求中扮演什么角色?
Venkatraman: Kueski 在利用人工智能的方面采取了什么方法? Kueski 的人工智能方法如何影响更广泛的经济?通过分析客户数据,个性化产品 - 尤其是针对 BNPL,是人工智能在金融服务中发挥的重要作用。机器学习算法可以分析客户行为,支出或付款模式和信用历史,以提供与用户财务状况相符的个性化 BNPL 付款计划。这些模型可以不断从客户交易和支付历史中学习,实时调整报价以更好地适应不断变化的财务状况。对于放贷人,人工智能通过评估传统信用评分以外的更广泛因素来增强风险评估,从而实现更准确的放贷决策。
在墨西哥等未银行化和未服务社区,像 Kueski 这样的公司利用人工智能促进了更多人参与金融系统。我们能够利用人工智能通过更精确地评估信用价值来填补墨西哥新兴市场的金融差距 - 尤其是对那些没有传统信用记录的人。
Venkatraman: 人工智能在墨西哥和拉丁美洲推动金融包容性的几种方式。人工智能可以用于更清晰地导航金融科技公司,使各种级别的金融素养的人更容易理解和使用金融产品。这减少了恐惧感,并鼓励更多人参与金融服务。通过优化用户体验,金融机构可以利用人工智能显著扩大其客户群,最终促进更具包容性的金融格局。
信贷核准中的人工智能也以积极的方式影响了墨西哥和拉丁美洲的金融包容性。这包括评估几乎没有信用记录的个人的信用价值 - 让他们可以获得贷款和金融产品,简化消费者和放贷人的审核以更快地建立信用价值,并个性化产品以增加被忽视群体找到适合其财务需求的产品的可能性。总的来说,人工智能使金融产品的获取更加民主化,使更多人参与正规经济,从而提高新兴市场的金融包容性。
Venkatraman: 在 2024 年,我们看到了几个“首次”人工智能法规的出现。例如,欧盟人工智能法和加利福尼亚提出的人工智能法案。这些监管行动是对新人工智能模型威力,其迅速扩散和社会广泛应用日益增强意识的结果。最终,这些准则旨在确保对持续创新和技术对社会潜在巨大益处的保护,并限制这些技术在恶意或不法行为者手中可能造成的实质性危害。
Venkatraman: 虽然人工智能炒作周期已经趋于平缓,但人工智能在金融服务中的激情和动力不会很快消失。我们将继续看到人工智能进一步推动金融包容性,更快地简化批核和放贷流程,并更好地个性化产品。当然,我们还将看到这一尖端技术的新用途。例如,金融科技公司正在尝试的一项令人兴奋的倡议是语音控制集成。随着聊天机器人和语音助手的兴起,人工智能可以通过语音命令实现个性化体验,使用户轻松访问支付选项,查询余额并获取建议,从而使流程更加用户友好。
总而言之,站在人工智能创新前沿的金融科技公司,包括 Kueski,在重新构想人工智能技术如何改变金融部门方面将继续发挥作用。新兴市场,如墨西哥,将从这些变革性的举措中获益最多,并将在 2025 年及以后持续增长。
#金融 #服务
Inflation has slowed in Canada as the central bank has gradually lowered its key interest rate - Copyright AFP/File Yasin AKGUL
Artificial Intelligence is positively impacting the financial lives of consumers – especially those who are underbanked and underrepresented in Mexico and LatAm.
Krishna Venkatraman, Chief Data Officer at Kueski, tells Digital Journal about the role AI has played in fintech innovation, boosting financial inclusion in emerging markets and what’s to come for AI in financial services.
Digital Journal: First, can you tell us about Kueski and your role?
Krishna Venkatraman: Kueski is the leading buy now, pay later (BNPL) and online consumer credit platform in Latin America. The company was founded in 2012 and is known throughout Mexico for its innovative financial services and remains laser-focused on its roots and the Mexican people. Mexico remains a cash-based economy, with more than half of the country still unbanked, and we understand better than any non-native incumbent the impact greater financial inclusion has on the country and in connecting people to the formal economy.
We facilitate greater access to financial products for customers through our two products – our flagship product, Kueski Pay, which allows customers to make purchases and pay later, both online and in physical stores. We also offer Kueski Personal Loans, a consumer lending product.
AI and machine learning have always been the backbone of our products and as Chief Data Officer at Kueski, my focus is largely on reimagining how we can use AI not only to reap benefits internally but also to boost financial inclusion and gain consumer trust. By applying AI, Kueski enhances access to financial services at scale by analyzing large sets of alternative data to better determine the creditworthiness of consumers.
DJ: What trends are you seeing in AI adoption across the financial sector in LatAm?
Venkatraman: AI adoption in the LatAm financial sector is significantly enhancing employee productivity and response times to customer requests, data accessibility, and security. AI tools automate repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value initiatives, like customer engagement, resulting in better job efficiency as well as customer satisfaction.
Through the power of AI systems, analyzing vast amounts of data quickly makes it easier for employees and systems to access relevant information. This ensures better-informed decision-making and accurate, timely responses to customer inquiries. With AI-driven insights and real-time data access, chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine queries, not only freeing up employee time for more complex tasks but also providing immediate responses for customers.
Another benefit of AI’s ability to quickly analyze large datasets is to detect unusual patterns and behaviors that may indicate fraudulent activity. Leaning on AI to focus on combating fraud and managing risk by identifying patterns and behaviors also increases consumer trust in the technology. The integration of AI in the financial sector not only streamlines operations but also enables fintechs to deliver better service and offer more secure solutions.
DJ: What role does AI play in personalizing BNPL offerings to meet the diverse needs of customers?
Venkatraman: What approach is Kueski taking to leverage AI in its offerings? How is Kueski’s approach to AI impacting the greater economy? Personalizing products, especially for BNPL, by analyzing customer data to tailor financial solutions that meet individual needs has been a crucial role for AI in financial services. Machine learning algorithms can analyze customer behavior, spending or payment patterns, and credit histories to offer personalized BNPL payment plans that align with users’ financial situations. These models can continuously learn from customer transactions and payment histories, adjusting offers in real time to better fit changing financial circumstances. For lenders, AI enhances risk evaluation by assessing a wider range of factors beyond traditional credit scores, enabling more accurate lending decisions.
In underbanked and underserved communities like Mexico, the use of AI by companies like Kueski fosters greater participation in the financial system. We are able to leverage AI to bridge financial gaps in Mexico’s emerging market by connecting consumers to the formal economy through more accurate assessments of creditworthiness – especially for those without traditional credit histories.
DJ: Which emerging AI trends will most significantly impact financial inclusion in Mexico and LatAm?
Venkatraman: There are several ways AI is boosting financial inclusion in Mexico and LatAm. AI can be used to more clearly navigate fintechs, making it easier for people with varying levels of financial literacy to understand and use financial products. This reduces intimidation and encourages more individuals to engage with financial services. By prioritizing user experience, financial institutions can leverage AI to significantly broaden their customer reach, ultimately fostering a more inclusive financial landscape.
AI in underwriting is also having a positive impact on financial inclusion in transformative ways in Mexico and LatAm. This includes assessing creditworthiness for individuals with little or no credit history—allowing them access to loans and financial products, streamlining approvals for consumers and lenders to establish creditworthiness quicker, and personalizing products to increase the likelihood that underserved populations will find suitable options that fit their financial needs. Overall, AI is democratizing access to financial products, empowering more individuals to participate in the formal economy and therefore, boosting financial inclusion in emerging markets.
DJ: How is the global regulatory landscape influencing the development and deployment of AI technologies in the financial sector?
Venkatraman: In 2024, we’ve seen several “first-of-its-kind” AI regulations beginning to surface. For example, the implementation of the EU AI Act and the proposed California AI bills. These regulatory actions are the result of an increasing awareness of the power of new AI models, their rapid proliferation and their widespread use in society. Ultimately, these guidelines are attempts to preserve a path for ongoing innovation and the potential for extraordinary benefits to society and to also limit the substantial damage that these technologies can wreak in the hands of malicious or bad actors.
I expect we will see a period of sustained regulatory activity and adaptation as agencies attempt to strike the right balance between enforcing regulations and encouraging innovation. Especially as AI evolves rapidly, the impact of regulations will become more apparent. One of the hardest things to address is the risks due to deliberate or accidental misuse of the models without impeding innovation and the potential upsides to society.
A balanced, settled regulatory landscape will bring more certainty and stability to companies seeking to use these technologies while also reassuring society that risks have been obviated. While we are in the early stages of this process, these guide rails will foster both innovation and adoption.
DJ: To close us out, what do you see as the future of AI in emerging countries as we look ahead to next year and beyond?
Venkatraman: While the AI hype cycle has been winding down, the excitement and momentum around AI in financial services will not go away anytime soon. We’ll continue to see AI drive financial inclusion further, streamline underwriting and lending processes quicker, and personalize offerings better. We’ll of course also see new ways in which this cutting-edge technology will be used. For example, an exciting initiative fintechs are experimenting with is voice control integrations. With the rise of chatbots and voice assistants, AI can facilitate personalized experiences through voice commands, allowing users to easily access payment options, check balances, and get recommendations, making the process even more user-friendly.
To conclude, fintechs at the forefront of AI innovations, including Kueski, will keep reimagining how AI technology can be used to transform the financial sector. Emerging markets, such as Mexico, have the most to benefit from these transformative initiatives and will see continued growth throughout 2025 and beyond.
Q&A: What's to come for AI in financial services?
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