新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 早报:高通发布骁龙汽车方案,微信内测新增“查找单删好友”功能,马斯克及特斯拉被《银翼杀手》制片方起诉 AI 图像侵权。
新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 早报:高通发布骁龙汽车方案,微信内测新增“查找单删好友”功能,马斯克及特斯拉被《银翼杀手》制片方起诉 AI 图像侵权。
高通骁龙汽车解决方案发布,CPU 性能提升 3 倍
制糖工厂推出「硬糖小电拼」全球旅行版: 一充走天下
苹果 CEO 现身北京,讨论 iPhone 和 iPad 农业运用
全新升级的 Claude 3.5 Sonnet 正式推出
AI 初创公司波形智能被曝解散,主创入职 OPPO
发布会用相关 AI 图,特斯拉遭《银翼杀手》制作公司起诉
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华为发布原生鸿蒙操作系统及 nova13 系列手机
iQOO 13 系列手机宣布 10 月 30 日发布,预约已开启
智谱高通合作,GLM-4V 多模态技术落地端侧
赛百味中国:业绩实现两位数增长,新开店铺目标达 200 家
《复仇者联盟 5》明年春季开拍,2026 年上映
高通骁龙汽车解决方案发布,CPU 性能提升 3 倍
10 月 23 日,在 2024 年骁龙峰会上,高通发布了全新骁龙座舱至尊版平台和 Snapdragon Ride 至尊版平台,展示了其在智能驾驶和数字座舱领域的最新突破。
至尊版骁龙汽车平台采用了专为汽车定制的 Oryon CPU,处理器性能提升至 3 倍、AI 性能提升最高达 12 倍,以确保骁龙数字底盘复杂多任务的流畅协同运行。
在骁龙座舱至尊版中,这个强大的多模态 AI 处理器,可以处理几十亿参数的大语言模型,让车载 AI 助理变得越用越聪明,你用得越多,车就会越来越懂你。
Snapdragon Ride 至尊版平台则专为智驾设计,采用软硬件协同设计和端到端架构,提供先进的智能驾驶体验。凭借多模态 AI 处理器和强大的 SoC,可以处理来自 40 多个多模态传感器的数据,让汽车在复杂路况中也能像老司机一样从容应对。
在发布会上,高通宣布将与理想汽车、梅赛德斯-奔驰等汽车厂商合作,共同打造采用骁龙至尊版平台的量产车型,并且将与 Google 达成多年战略合作,利用骁龙数字底盘和 Google 车载技术,提供生成式 AI 数字座舱解决方案。
制糖工厂推出「硬糖小电拼」全球旅行版: 一充走天下
制糖工厂 CANDYSIGN 昨天(10.22)推出 「硬糖小电拼」全球旅行版,借助创造性的 AC + DC 模块化设计,「硬糖小电拼」全球旅行版让桌面充电站和便携充电器集于一身,真正意义上实现「一充走天下」。
同时它延续了品牌一贯的可拼可拆设计,机身重量相比上一代减轻 14g,更便携;同时新增了 120V 低压认证,使其在日本、美国等低电压地区也能正常使用。通过升级的快充平台芯片和智能温控技术,它能够快速、安全地为多种设备充电。
「硬糖小电拼」全球旅行版的核心亮点在于其 AC+DC 的模块化设计,用户既可以在家中使用充电站功能,又可以在旅行时拆分成便携的充电头,满足多场景需求。产品支持 4C1A 五个输出接口,兼容市面上主流的快充协议,包括 PD、PPS、QC 等,可同时为电脑、平板、手机等设备快速充电。其中,USB-C1 端口支持高达 100W 的输出,能够轻松应对高功率设备的需求。
此外,产品还搭配了 6 套艺术潮贴,用户可以根据个人
Qualcomm Snapdragon automotive solution announced, CPU performance improved by 3 times
Sugar Factory launches "Hard Candy Small Electric Assembly" global travel version: One charge travels the world
Apple CEO appears in Beijing to discuss agricultural applications of iPhone and iPad
Newly upgraded Claude 3.5 Sonnet officially launched
Qualcomm Snapdragon automotive solution announced, CPU performance improved by 3 times
October 23, at the 2024 Snapdragon Summit, Qualcomm announced the new Snapdragon cockpit Supreme platform and Snapdragon Ride Supreme platform, showcasing its latest breakthroughs in smart driving and digital cockpit fields.
The supreme Snapdragon automotive platform uses a custom Oryon CPU designed for automobiles, with processing performance improved by 3 times and AI performance increased up to 12 times to ensure smooth coordination of Snapdragon digital chassis complex multitasking.
In the supreme Snapdragon cockpit, this powerful multimodal AI processor can handle tens of billions of large language model parameters, making the car's AI assistant smarter with more use, the more you use it, the more the car will understand you.
The Snapdragon Ride Supreme platform is specially designed for intelligent driving, with a software-hardware coordinated design and an end-to-end architecture to provide an advanced intelligent driving experience. With a multimodal AI processor and a powerful SoC, it can process data from over 40 multimodal sensors, allowing the car to navigate complex road conditions like an experienced driver.
At the event, Qualcomm announced partnerships with Ideal Automotive, Mercedes-Benz, and other automakers to jointly develop mass-produced models using the Snapdragon Supreme platform. It will also establish a multi-year strategic partnership with Google to provide a generated AI digital cockpit solution using Snapdragon digital chassis and Google's vehicle technology.
The debut of the new Snapdragon Supreme platform signifies Qualcomm's vision for "software-defined vehicles" (SDV) has taken a solid step forward.
Apple CEO appears in Beijing to discuss agricultural applications of iPhone and iPad
On October 22nd, Apple CEO Tim Cook expressed his delight to meet with students from China Agricultural University and Zhejiang University to understand how they use the iPhone and iPad to help farmers promote more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.
In addition, a blogger detailed the reasons for Tim Cook's visit to a Beijing farm.
Tim Cook's visit to Shunyi, Beijing to the "organic farm" is to understand Apple's "Technology Small Courtyard" project supported by the China Rural Development Foundation.
In this project, Apple, together with partners such as the China Rural Development Foundation, bring technology and educational resources to remote areas in the hopes of training the next generation of agricultural technology talents and helping more people change their lives.
Students use technology and devices such as iPhones and iPads to research and monitor agricultural projects more effectively, helping farmers acquire more knowledge, which is Apple's most anticipated result and the domestic practice result of Apple-style innovation.
早报|高通骁龙汽车解决方案发布/消息称微信内测「查找单删好友」功能/马斯克和特斯拉遭《银翼杀手》制片方起诉 AI 图像侵权
#早报高通骁龙汽车解决方案发布消息称微信内测查找单删好友功能马斯克和特斯拉遭银翼杀手制片方起诉 #图像侵权
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