新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 实验室周末游北京:2024年10月26日至10月27日
新湖畔网 (随信APP) | 实验室周末游北京:2024年10月26日至10月27日
这周末可以先去王府井的乐高旗舰店,这家店在 2019 年 2 月正式开业,今年是店铺的五周年,9 月底店内专门举行了庆祝活动,当中做了一个五周年蛋糕 3D 模型,它围绕数字“5”,同时融合了糖葫芦、祥云、灯笼等元素,展现出北京城市气质以及喜庆的气氛。
如果最近有买乐高的计划,能带走一些纪念品肯定是多多益善啦。这次的店庆活动 10 月 31 日就将结束,这周就是最后一个周末了。
时间:9 月 27 日 - 10 月 31 日
地点:东城区王府井大街 88 号北京乐高品牌旗舰店(王府井店)
周六晚可以去到刚开业不久的前门文华东方酒店,在酒店的十条酒吧,周六晚会有香港文华东方酒店 The Aubrey 酒吧著名的调酒师 Devender Sehgal 带来客座调酒特别活动,并且只限这一晚的 4 个小时,机会难得。
届时 Devender Sehgal 将通过自己对北京文化和特色元素的理解,并融合亚洲和中国的特定食材,对到场宾客准备 4 款创意鸡尾酒(甚至活动开始前我们也是不知道具体的酒单,惊喜要留到现场了)。周六的晚上和朋友约个小酌,就去感受十条这个胡同里新晋的饮酒胜地吧。
Devender Sehgal 客座调酒特别活动
时间:10 月 26 日(周六)20:00 - 24:00
地点:东城区西兴隆街 40 号北京前门文华东方酒店十条酒吧
展览的部分,周日可以去到刚刚开幕的由安藤忠雄设计的北京启皓艺术馆,第二届北京艺术与科技双年展本周六会正式开幕。这次展览以“灵光涌现”为主题,现场将带来来自全球各国超过 50 位艺术家和科学家的作品,他们用数字媒体技术打造了可互动的装置,呈现了自然景观、生态、人类的感知模式、宇宙遐想等等有趣的主题。
展览会持续到明年 2 月底,留意双人票会便宜一些。
时间:10 月 26 日 - 2025 年 2 月 23 日每天 10:00 - 18:00(每周一闭馆)
地点:朝阳区新源南路 8 号启皓艺术馆
费用:159 / 259 元(单人 / 双人)
在东四这边的书店“可能有书”,书店和出版品牌“未读”合办的卡夫卡特展也在进行中,今年是卡夫卡逝世 100 周年,这也是这次展览的契机。
展览带来了未读 K 经典系列《变形记》、《饥饿艺术家》等作品陈列——系列封面由著名装帧设计师彼得·门德尔桑德(Peter Mendelsund)操刀,同时现场的各个布置也都以卡夫卡的经典语句和“未读”这一系列里的视觉元素为主导,大家会发现卡夫卡很多的内容放在现代竟然也毫不过时,简直是更能和大家当下的精神状态产生共鸣呢。
永远的 K:他洞穿了百年后的困境——纪念卡夫卡逝世 100 周年主题特展
时间:10 月 18 日 - 11 月 24 日每天 10:00 - 21:30
地点:东城区前炒面胡同 49 号可能有书
她已等待了太久——小王 x 属梨联合专场·北京站
时间:10 月 27 日(周日)20:30 - 23:00
地点:东城区隆福寺街 95 号钱粮胡同 38 号 15 号楼木木艺术社区地下一层东市·OMNI CLUB
费用:120 / 180 元(单人 / 双人) #实验室带你过周末2024.10.26 #北京篇
Hello classmates in Beijing, happy weekend. It's been very cold in Beijing this week, with nighttime temperatures close to zero degrees. Indoor heating hasn't started yet, so whether you're at home or going out, remember to wear more clothes and stay warm.
This weekend, you can start by visiting the flagship LEGO store in Wangfujing. This store officially opened in February 2019 and is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. At the end of September, the store held a celebration event featuring a 3D model of a fifth-anniversary cake, incorporating elements like sugar-coated fruits, auspicious clouds, lanterns, showcasing the city vibe of Beijing and a festive atmosphere.
Of course, what might be more important for everyone is the promotion activities related to the fifth anniversary. The store celebration lasts for a month, offering interactive LEGO building, LEGO Infinite Creative Building workshops, and gifts like a red brick mosaic box, a limited edition mini LEGO figure for the fifth anniversary, and a LEGO flagship store exclusive commemorative tote bag with any LEGO purchase.
If you plan to buy LEGO soon, it is definitely beneficial to take home some souvenirs. The store celebration event will end on October 31st, so this weekend is the last chance.
"Don't miss the fifth anniversary celebration of the LEGO Brand Flagship Store in Wangfujing, Beijing
Date: September 27 - October 31
Location: LEGO Brand Flagship Store, 88 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing"
On Saturday night, you can head to the newly opened The Aubrey Bar at the Peninsula Beijing Hotel in Dongcheng District. Renowned mixologist Devender Sehgal from The Aubrey Bar at The Peninsula Hong Kong will host a guest mixology event, limited to just 4 hours that night, a rare opportunity.
Devender Sehgal will prepare 4 creative cocktails for the guests, combining his understanding of Beijing culture and unique ingredients from Asia and China. The cocktails will be a surprise until the event, so why not enjoy a drink on Saturday night with friends and experience the newest drinking spot On On Market Alley.
"Devender Sehgal Guest Mixology Special Event
Date: October 26 (Saturday) 20:00 - 24:00
Location: No. 40 West Xinglong Street, The Peninsula Beijing Hotel, On On Bar, Dongcheng District
Phone: 010-85928898"
On Sunday, you can visit the newly opened Beijing Zhihao Art Museum designed by Tadao Ando. The second Beijing Art and Technology Biennale will officially open this Saturday. The exhibition is themed "Emerging Light" and will feature over 50 artists and scientists from around the world showcasing interactive installations using digital media technology on themes like natural landscapes, ecology, human perception patterns, and cosmic vision.
The exhibition will run until the end of February next year, and couples' tickets will be cheaper.
"Emerging Light - Second Beijing Art and Technology Biennale
Date: October 26 - February 23, 2025, daily 10:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Mondays)
Location: No. 8 Xinyuan South Road, Zhihao Art Museum, Chaoyang District
Fee: 159 / 259 yuan (Single / Double)"
In the Dongsi area, the exhibition "Eternal K: He Has Pierced the Predicament After a Century of Discussion" is ongoing, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Kafka's death. The exhibition showcases classic works like "The Metamorphosis" and "The Hunger Artist" from the Unread K Classic series, with cover designs by famous designer Peter Mendelsund. The exhibition setups revolve around Kafka's iconic phrases and visual elements from the Unread series, showing that Kafka's content is timeless even in contemporary times.
"Eternal K: Memorial Exhibition of Kafka's 100th Anniversary of Death
Date: October 18 - November 24, daily 10:00 - 21:30
Location: No. 49 Qian Chaomian Hutong, Dongcheng District, Possible Book
Fee: Free"
On Sunday night, you can enjoy a live performance by the bands Xiao Wang and Shu Li in the "She Has Waited Too Long" joint special event. Both bands are female-led and rock-oriented, with Xiao Wang's "Kawaii Core" meeting Shu Li's exploration from a female perspective, sparking a unique musical experience.
"She Has Waited Too Long - Xiao Wang x Shu Li Joint Special Event, Beijing Station
Date: October 27 (Sunday) 20:30 - 23:00
Location: No. 95 Longfu Street, Qianliang Hutong 38, Building 15, Basement Floor, Dongshi·OMNI CLUB
Fee: 120 / 180 yuan (Single / Double)"
实验室带你过周末:2024.10.26 - 10.27 北京篇
#实验室带你过周末2024.10.26 #北京篇
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